Traditional Gold Melting Vs Metro Gold Melting Machines

Induction Melting Furnaces

An induction furnace operates by utilizing electrical energy to generate heat through the process of induction heating within the metal. It functions by channeling induction power into the furnace via a coil constructed from hollow copper tubing. This action generates an electromagnetic field that permeates the conductive metal placed within the furnace, prompting an electric current to circulate within the metal itself. As a result, heat is produced internally, efficiently melting the metal. While certain surfaces of the furnace might reach temperatures high enough to pose a risk of burns, the induction method directly heats the metal charge rather than the furnace itself, making induction melting a distinctively efficient process.

Induction heating is recognized as an environmentally friendly technology because it produces no harmful emissions, thanks to the generation of heat through an alternating magnetic current directed into a graphite crucible. Additionally, this method offers several benefits for gold casting, such as rapid heating times and frequency stirring, which results in more uniform melts. Moreover, induction melting technology maintains a cooler surrounding environment for the operator, as the only heat produced is directly from the melting process itself.

Traditional Gold Melting

The conventional method of melting gold, originating from the early days of the gold rush, continues to be practiced in various regions worldwide, particularly in areas with limited access to modern gold melting technologies or machinery. This process involves melting the gold in an open crucible using a gas furnace, which can significantly raise the temperature of the surrounding environment where the melting occurs. The primary disadvantages of this traditional gold melting approach include the need for a substantial workforce, its negative impact on the environment, the potential loss of some gold during the process, and the inability to prevent oxidation and other forms of degradation that could compromise the quality of the gold.

Traditional Melting MethodsMetro Gold Melting Machines
As there is resistance coil, chances of defusing of coil are frequent. Due to this oxidization the coil corrodes.Coil is of heavy gauge hollow copper pipe having high temperature and double insulation. due to circulation of cold water, the coil lasts for a very long time.
First melting usually takes as long as 30 to 45 minutes, hence the chance of oxidization is more and also there are chances of metal loss.First melting takes only 10 to 15 minutes, resulting in null oxidization and zero loss metal.
In this method, the coil gets heated first & then the heating of crucible takes place followed by the metal heating, which results in loss of heat and metal.In this method the metal heats with the help off frequency and so there is no loss of heat and metal.
Due to the heat loss the power consumption is always more.Due to no loss of heat the power consumption reduces significantly.
Because of no stirring effect the metal does not properly melt. At the time of pouring of the ready metal it is found that he metal oxides also come out with the finished metal creating as improper metal stock or rod.Because of no stirring effect the metal oxides rise to the top of the melting unit creating a separate layer without blocking the flow of pour metal for making the metal stick or rod.
As there is no water circulation the temperature of the workshop unit remains hot for very long time.Due to chiller, the machine gets cooled within 2-3 minutes and the temperature of the workshop unit remains normal.
There is no auto stirring and the metal is stirred with the help of a carbon rod. The metal sticks to the carbon rod leading to loss of metal and also mixture of carbon with metal.In this method there is auto stirring without the need of a carbon rod resulting in no loss of metal which remains pure during the entire process.
As there is no stirring effect, there is additional of copper and silver in gold (99.99%) it is not in uniform micro structure.Due to automatic stirring effect there is perfect distribution of copper and silver in gold (99.99%).
Due to second melting process the heat is excessively spread out so it is very difficult to put metal in the form of dust or scrap in the crucible.Here there is no heat spread; hence it is very easy to add the metal dust. Therefore there is no metal loss.